sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016


hat & coat VINTAGE
knit& bag H&M
pants & shoes ZARA
sunies CHICFY

I love the actress from 40s and 50s, this womens, 
where "powered women" classy and so sofisticated.

 They can wear a Tuxedo or male pants with a shirt, and 
still look as the most femenine creature of the universe, 

Lauren Bacall, Katharine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrih are my style icons.
Tomboy or masculine are one of my favourite dress code, I wear it so often
cause are so easy to mix, they are basics in esence, and the rest is so fun, a cap, an Oxford shoes, Chelsea boots, fedora hats, and flirty bags, never fails!

Lift up your style, baby!

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